Find out in these books below. You will also be able to see the fingerplays and songs from this week's Storytime.
STORYTIME: Sharks DATE: March 23-24, 2011
1. Intro: Good Morning Song
2. Song: Baby Shark
3. Story: The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark by Ken Geist (reserve here)
4. Rhyme: Two Little Fishes
5. Story: Shark vs. Train by Christ Barton (reserve here)
6. Song: Little Red Caboose
7. Felt: Fish with the Deep Sea Smile
8. End: Goodbye Song
9. Craft: Nachos and dip
10. Extra: Shark in the Park by Nick Sharratt (switch with felt for active group) (reserve here)
Good Morning SongGood Morning to you, Good morning to you, We’re all in our places, with bright shiny faces, And this is the way to start our new day!
Baby Shark
Baby shark, Do doo, do do(x3) (make jaws with pointer finger and thumb)
Brother Shark Do doo, do do (x3) (jaws with two hands joined at wrist)
Momma shark, Do doo, do do(x3) (shark jaws with forearms connected at elbows)
Daddy shark, Do doo, do do (x3) (shark jaws with full arms)
Grandpa shark, Do doo, do do(x3) (Daddy Shark, curl fingers for gums)
Now let's swim, Do doo, do do (x3) (doggy paddle)
From the shark, Do doo, do do (x3) (doggy paddle)
Gotca! (clap hands together!)
Two Little FishesTwo little fishes side by side (Hold up two index fingers, side by side.)
Swim through the water,
Swim through the tide. (Swimming motion.)
They don’t need a motor
And they don’t need a sail. (Shake head, and shake head.)
They just wiggle their fins (Wiggle hands at sides.)
And wiggle their tails. (Wiggle hands behind your back.)
Little Red CabooseLittle red caboose, chug, chug, chug,
Little red caboose,chug, chug, chug,
Little red caboose behind the train, train, train, train.
Smokestack on his back back, back, back,
Chugging down the track, track, track, track,
Little red caboose behind the train.
Fish with the Deep Sea Smile
They fished and they fished
Way down in the sea
Down in the sea a mile
They fished among all the fish in the sea
For the fish with the deep sea smile
One fish came up from the deep of the sea
From down in the sea a mile
It had blue green eyes
And whiskers three
But never a deep sea smile
One fish came from the deep of the sea
From down in the sea a mile
With electric lights up and down his tail
But never a deep sea smile
They fished and they fished
Way down in teh sea
Down in the sea a mile
They fished among all the fish in the sea
For the fish with the deep sea smile
One fish came up with terrible teeth
One fish with long strong jaws
One fish came up with long stalked eyes
One fish with terrible claws
They fished all through the ocean deep
For many and many a mile
And they caught a fish with a laughing eye
But none with a deep sea smile
And then one day they got a pull
From down in the sea a mile
And when they pulled the fish into the boat
He smiled a deep sea smile
And as he smiled the hook got free
And then what a deep sea smile
He flipped his tail and swam away
Down in the sea a mile
Goodbye SongGoodbye (x2) Have a nice day (x2)
Have a nice day today
Great story time. My kids and I love these books. Thanks for the shark and fish songs to use with these books.